The Hicksville Teenage Council, Inc, came into existence in 1971 and on May 23rd, 1972, the Certificate of Incorporation was filed as a not-for-profit. The initial Directors who signed incorporation papers were Murray Margolis, Lucille Blesi and Theodore S. Grant, whose first meeting place was in the basement of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. The program was designed to fill the idle time of young people in the Hicksville community with activities that would promote self-esteem, confidence, character and citizenship. A program focusing on recreation was the original concept.
Over the years, the program has called various locations in the Hicksville community home. As the needs of the youth grew, we felt it necessary to restructure our program. Today, we have matured into a true multi-faceted youth service program. On November 14th, 2001, the Hicksville Teenage Council, Inc. applied to and was accepted as a member of Boys and Girls Clubs of America; We are now entitled to all rights and privileges of the organization. From that point on, we were formally established as the Hicksville Boys & Girls Club.