• What Are Your Business Hours?


    Monday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Thursday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


    Monday: 2:30PM - 6:00 PM

    Tuesday: 2:30PM - 6:00 PM

    Wednesday: 2:30PM - 6:00 PM

    Thursday: 2:30PAM - 6:00 PM

    Friday: 2:30PM - 8:00 PM

  • What Is Open Gym?

    • Attention: Due To Covid Open Gym Is Cancelled Until Further Notice...

    During the school year, members are given the opportunity to utilize the Hicksville Middle School gymnasium from 7PM to 9:30 PM on Friday nights. 

    Members are walked over and supervised by our counselors, and later picked up by their parent/guardian from the gymnasium. 

    Non-club members are welcome to join for a annual fee of $40.

  • Do You Have A Summer Program?

    Our summer session begins in late June until the end of August. The fee for our summer program is $50 per member for the entire duration. For siblings and families, the fee is $75 per family. 

    The summer is filled with fun in-house activies and field trips thoughout Long Island. 

  • Are Field Trips Paid For Separately?

    Yes, field trips are paid for separately. Permission slips are given out to members with all the details including the date time and price a week in advance of the trip. 

  • What is the membership age?

    Members range between 6th grade to 12th grade. 

    Students that will be entering the 6th grade are eligible to begin the summer program. 

    Once a member graduates high school, they are no longer eligible, but can become volunteers. 

  • Is transportation provided?

    No, members typically walk or are dropped off/picked up by their parents/guardians.

    Transportation is only provided for field trips from the club. 

  • What are your membership fees?

    Fall Program: $100 for one child.

    $150 for two or more children of the same family.

    Summer Program: $50 for one child.

    $75 for two or more children of the same family. 

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